Browse Everything

Browse Everything

All Practices

Browse Everything
  • Live Asana 7/21/24

    A playful practice emphasizing the WONDERousness of our spines and hips! It includes some opportunities to push your growth edges or release into a hip opener! Have some fun, be curious, that's what feeds WONDER!

    Links to the playlist are here:

  • Slow Build

    This is a progressive flow in rounds where each round includes a new pose that builds on the last. Really efficient for when you have short time and want to move some energy!

    Not only does it allow us to use more of our body in each round, but it can have a meditative quality when you drop into ...

  • Live Satsang 7/14/21 - Wonder or Adbhuta Rasa

    Live Satsang 7/14/21 - Wonder or Adbhuta Rasa

    This month we explore the concept of WONDER or, in Indian Classical Art Adbhuta Rasa, one of the 9 human emotional states. We explore its roots, what it's key features are, what evokes it, why it's challenging as adults, its benefits and practical ti...

  • Thoracic Freedom Flow

    Do this short practicedaily to maintain and enhance your thoracic freedom! (includes your chest, back, shoulder blades and shoulders!) Once you learn the flow, you can do it anywhere! 10/10 recommend this investment in your long-term mobility and love of life and living fully!

  • Recuperate

    This nourishing practice focuses on three main areas for a full spectrum recuperation and rest after any kind of activity.

    We start with a focus on shoulders, then spine, then bring it home with hips.

    And the whole thing has a mellow vibe for the downshift you need.

  • Bija Surya Namaskar

  • 3 Pranayamas For Vigor

  • Chakra Bija Mantras

  • Live Meditation 6/23/24 - Virya ~ Vigor ~ Inner Warrior

    A short, gentle movement practice sets the stage for acknowledging and caring for your inner warrior. We explore two ways we express our warrior vigor - in crisis and in personal evolution. Our warrior is always within, but not an unlimited resource. Self-care, discernment and boundaries are esse...

  • Live Satsang 6/9/24 - Virya ~ Vigor ~ Inner Warrior

    Tap into your vigor to face the challenges of life with intention and empowerment. This Satsang was LIT. Give it a listen and explore what is calling for your vigor to rise up right now.

    Audio only version:

    Time stamps:


  • Live Asana 6/15/24 ~ Virya ~ Vigor ~ Inner Warrior

    Live Asana 6/15/24 ~ Virya ~ Vigor + Inner Warrior

    This practice opens with my Thoracic Freedom flow to stoke the heart fire, then goes into the Agile Warrior sequence I've been doing, some seated breathwork bookend a sequence of warrior poses followed by hip openers and rest!

  • Practices For Virya ~ Vigor!

    5 items

    In June 2024 we explored Virya ~ Vigor ~ Inner Warrior. And while there are powerful physical practices to stoke your inner fire, I wanted to create a series of some of the subtler practices that also do,

    May they be of benefit!

  • Quickfire

    Quickfire is a short and spicy little practice to elevate your mood and invigorate you! Nothing too crazy, just jumps right in when you don't have much time and want a boost!

  • Live Movement + Meditation 5/19/24 - Maitri

    Live Movement + Meditation 5/19/24 - Maitri Meditation - Loving Kindness

    A little movement practice to support your mobility (every day my friends, a little bit every day goes a long way!) followed by a classic meditation: Maitri Meditation. We generate loving kindness in rounds beginning with o...

  • Live Asana 5/12/24 ~ Maitri ~ Loving Kindness

    An evening live practice with focus on cultivating loving kindness. Includes Gina's Thoracic Freedom Flow. Emphasizes water and earth elements and has some fabulous hip openers.

    Playlists available here:

  • Live Satsang 5/5/24 - MAITRI ~ Loving Kindness

    Live Satsang 5/5/24 - MAITRI - Loving Kindness - Make Friends With Your Mind Part 3. This month we're exploring a loving-kindness centered approach to the Inner Critic, building off one of the Parts (from Internal Family Systems) and the Cognitive Distortions (part of Maya or illusion, that we fo...

  • Live Movement + Meditation 4/28/24

    Live Movement + Meditation 4/28/24 - Make Friends With Your Mind 2 - Embrace All Your Parts

    0-1:30 Intro to Session
    1:30-17:30 Stretch
    17:30-23:50 Intro to Meditation
    23:50-53:00 Guided Meditation
    53:00-End Soul Circle

    In this guided meditation, I continue the teaching on Maya or Illusion and t...

  • Live Asana 4/21/24

    In this solar Vinyasa practice, I focused on poses that support determination as well as opportunities to explore cognitive distortions arising.

    This month we continue Making Friends With Our Minds by identifying, naming and then confronting MAYA, the veil of illusion, often in the form of the c...

  • Heavenly Hips

    Whether it’s caused by our stress holding patterns, activities or good ole aging, sometimes our hips feel tight and creaky, especially that elusive outer hip including your gluteus medius, minimus, tensor fascia lata and IT band.

    In this practice we’ll take a slow journey into some much needed s...

  • Freebird

    Freedom requires that we break loose of the bonds that hold us down.

    For many of us, it’s negative self-perception that keeps us restrained from recognizing our actual potential.

    This class challenges you to tap into the courage to believe you’re capable of more than you’ve let yourself believe...

  • Surrender

    Some days we just need to surrender the cognitive and emotional load we’re carrying and this practice can help.

    It’s a short Yin style practice that emphasizes nervous system downregulation, breath awareness and dropping into a state of calm.

    You will need either a bolster or a rolled up blanke...

  • Heart's Desire

    This is a shoulder and chest focused practice with the intention of not only stretching and strengthening these parts of your body but also cultivating the energies of courage and open-heartedness.

    Through shoulder mobility, chest expansion, core fortification and a final backbend, we’ll leave f...

  • Live Satsang Soul Circle 4/14/24 - Maya

    April 2024 - Making Friends with Your Mind Pt 2: MAYA - The veil of illusion. We explored the major cognitive distortions - the illusions we cognitively participate in.

    Audio only:

    No time stamping since teaching and sharing are ...

  • Live Bonus Soul Circle 03/29/24

    Make Friends With Your Mind Bonus Soul Circle - Exploring obstacles, reframes and new approaches to the usual tricks our ego mind likes to play on us that keep us from moving through the world sure of who we are. We talk about pleasing, selflessness, boundaries, external validation and seeking ap...