

Solar practices are activating, uplifting and empowering Integrated Vinyasa Flow with emphasis on developing strength through load bearing in a variety of postures and different anatomical focal points.

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  • Live Asana 7/21/24

    A playful practice emphasizing the WONDERousness of our spines and hips! It includes some opportunities to push your growth edges or release into a hip opener! Have some fun, be curious, that's what feeds WONDER!

    Links to the playlist are here:

  • Slow Build

    This is a progressive flow in rounds where each round includes a new pose that builds on the last. Really efficient for when you have short time and want to move some energy!

    Not only does it allow us to use more of our body in each round, but it can have a meditative quality when you drop into ...

  • Quickfire

    Quickfire is a short and spicy little practice to elevate your mood and invigorate you! Nothing too crazy, just jumps right in when you don't have much time and want a boost!

  • Live Asana 6/15/24 ~ Virya ~ Vigor ~ Inner Warrior

    Live Asana 6/15/24 ~ Virya ~ Vigor + Inner Warrior

    This practice opens with my Thoracic Freedom flow to stoke the heart fire, then goes into the Agile Warrior sequence I've been doing, some seated breathwork bookend a sequence of warrior poses followed by hip openers and rest!

  • Live Asana 4/21/24

    In this solar Vinyasa practice, I focused on poses that support determination as well as opportunities to explore cognitive distortions arising.

    This month we continue Making Friends With Our Minds by identifying, naming and then confronting MAYA, the veil of illusion, often in the form of the c...

  • Freebird

    Freedom requires that we break loose of the bonds that hold us down.

    For many of us, it’s negative self-perception that keeps us restrained from recognizing our actual potential.

    This class challenges you to tap into the courage to believe you’re capable of more than you’ve let yourself believe...

  • Heart's Desire

    This is a shoulder and chest focused practice with the intention of not only stretching and strengthening these parts of your body but also cultivating the energies of courage and open-heartedness.

    Through shoulder mobility, chest expansion, core fortification and a final backbend, we’ll leave f...

  • Emerge

    Sometimes we feel a little shut down or bound tight and Emerge supports us coming back into our true selves.

    Side bends, heart openers and quad stretches all activate a feeling of re-opening the front gates and stepping fully into our lives once again.

    You might like to have 2 blocks and a blan...

  • Live Asana 2/11/24

    Live Asana February 2024 - Focus on Connection of self to Self - conditioned self to True Self

    Includes flow, heart openers, side bends, twists and even a little arm balancing + tips.

    Contemplate: How does asana practice support the union of conditioned self to True Self? How do all the moment...

  • Be The Light

    The body-mind feedback loop has a powerful impact on how you feel and show up in the world. What’s going on in your mind is constantly being expressed through your body and how your body is moving is reflecting in your mental state too!

    This practice includes strong standing poses, expansive sid...

  • Basics

    I created this practice for anyone craving a simple practice, anyone who never got some of the nuts and bolts of the basics, anyone re-starting a practice and of course, anyone who is new to yoga!

    We cover all the orientations – seated, kneeling, inverted, prone, standing and supine and do some ...

  • Yoga Mala 2024 - 1/15/24

    A gorgeous ritual practice of whole body prayers. 108 prostrations (Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutations) as an act of devotion and reverence. We practice the Sun Salutations in a different way that embodies their origin, the full body prostrations of spiritual pilgrims traversing from home to holy ...

  • Reflect

    Reflect has two meanings – there’s a turning inward to witness what you’ve been through and where you’ve come from as well as a shining out of light, sound or heat into the world.

    This practice supports and encourages both a tuning in to assess and a shining out from your heart and what you valu...

  • Cleanse

    Twists support your both your physical AND emotional digestion and processing and this class includes several different twists!

    Rotating our spines is a movement our desk and screen dominant lives don’t require much of so I try to go out of my way to twist in my yoga practices.

    Enjoy this twist...

  • Live Asana 10/8/23

    Live Asana 10/8/23 - Impermanence - Anitya

    This practice opens with an extended "warm up" before we dive into opportunities to weather the storms of challenge and savor the sweetness, all in the spirit of embracing IMPERMANENCE. You can do hard things my friends!

    You'll want a block and a strap...

  • The Sunrise Within

    This lively practice emphasizes twists as a way to ring out anything that would dim your inner light and leaves you with a sense of rising up into a fresh start.

    We’ll combine flow with core work, balance and standing poses before we wind it down and ground ourselves with a couple well-timed hip...

  • Live Asana 9/10/23

    Live Asana 9/10/23 - A flow, static pose and balance pose practice designed to support DHARANA - your focus + presence!

    0:00-11:30 - Greeting, context and education
    11:30-end - Practice

    Invitation to free-write after your practice about if you felt present and focused, challenges you faced, opp...

  • Flow State

    Sometimes we love the contemplative pauses and deeper stretch through longer holds and other times we want to find a flow state with continuous synchronized breath and movement.

    Today’s practice is just that, smooth and continuous. It challenges you to maintain conscious breath as you move throu...

  • Live Asana 7/16/23

    Live Asana 7/16/23 - Energy Management - Mobility, hip openers, arm balances and lots of CHOICE!

    0:00-13:00 - Context and connection to this month's theme of Energy Management
    13:00-End - Practice

  • Sunkissed

    This short practice emphasizes energy expanding, like the rays of the sun.

    We’ll efficiently explore the front gates of your chest, hip flexors and shoulders to let lightness into your heart center and help you feel luminous inside and out.

    You might like to have a block for today’s practice.

  • Bonus Live Asana 6/21/23

    Summer Solstice and International Day of Yoga Bonus Live Practice! Nicely balanced SolaLuna practice with dynamic flow and hip openers alike!

  • Live Asana 6/11/23

    Live Asana 6/11/23 - June BLOOM - Heart openers to activate courage to bloom! Per your previous requests, this blooming practice includes heart openers, shoulder mobility, side stretching and a Camel (Ustrasana) clinic to perhaps improve your relationship with this beneficial pose.

  • Ease Into It

    This is a thorough, mobility-focused practice full of dynamic stretches to help you go from stiff to superb.

    This is a sequence that is included in ALL of my practices these days, I love how it prepares me for the day or a workout. I especially love it in the morning to get things started right!...

  • Live Asana 4/16/23

    Live Asana 4/16/23 - A more workshop style practice breaking down chatturanga, side arm balance and variations (vasisthasana) and crow (bakasana). Progressions and exercises for each are included for you to experience the poses in an integrated and more sustainable way. I also include some possib...