

These home practices emphasize strengthening your core including, abdominals, back and stabilizers. While these home practices also include movements and postures that touch other areas of your body, they accentuate the hub of our body, all 360 degrees of our core.

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  • Centering

    A short and flow practice of just the right intensity to get yourself centered for the day.

    Hip mobility and twists are emphasized to support you feeling great in your body.

  • Quickfire

    Quickfire is a short and spicy little practice to elevate your mood and invigorate you! Nothing too crazy, just jumps right in when you don't have much time and want a boost!

  • Freebird

    Freedom requires that we break loose of the bonds that hold us down.

    For many of us, it’s negative self-perception that keeps us restrained from recognizing our actual potential.

    This class challenges you to tap into the courage to believe you’re capable of more than you’ve let yourself believe...

  • Live Asana 2/11/24

    Live Asana February 2024 - Focus on Connection of self to Self - conditioned self to True Self

    Includes flow, heart openers, side bends, twists and even a little arm balancing + tips.

    Contemplate: How does asana practice support the union of conditioned self to True Self? How do all the moment...

  • Cleanse

    Twists support your both your physical AND emotional digestion and processing and this class includes several different twists!

    Rotating our spines is a movement our desk and screen dominant lives don’t require much of so I try to go out of my way to twist in my yoga practices.

    Enjoy this twist...

  • The Sunrise Within

    This lively practice emphasizes twists as a way to ring out anything that would dim your inner light and leaves you with a sense of rising up into a fresh start.

    We’ll combine flow with core work, balance and standing poses before we wind it down and ground ourselves with a couple well-timed hip...

  • Live Asana 7/16/23

    Live Asana 7/16/23 - Energy Management - Mobility, hip openers, arm balances and lots of CHOICE!

    0:00-13:00 - Context and connection to this month's theme of Energy Management
    13:00-End - Practice

  • Live Asana 4/16/23

    Live Asana 4/16/23 - A more workshop style practice breaking down chatturanga, side arm balance and variations (vasisthasana) and crow (bakasana). Progressions and exercises for each are included for you to experience the poses in an integrated and more sustainable way. I also include some possib...

  • Live Asana from Bali 11/4/22

    Live Asana from Bali 11/4/22 - so fun to share with you a little glimpse outside my window here at Soulshine Bali. While the video quality and lighting isn't up to my usual standards in my home studio, the same love is still there! This is a crow pose class that is easily down-shifted into a hip ...

  • Live Asana 5/1/22

    To embody our mindfulness theme of GROWTH this month, this steady strength practice with a focus on growth edges and flow state supports our own hatching of new ideas, creations, perspectives and manifestations of the growth we wish to experience in this one wild and precious life! Inspired by sp...

  • Live Asana 4/3/22

    A spritely, Spring practice with just the right amount of fire to light you up.

  • Yoga For After Sitting

    Whether its work from home or at the office, long hours in the car or unbearably long plane rides, it is so nice to have a yoga practice on hand for after long periods of sitting.

    This practice focuses on chest, shoulders, core and hips to open you back up and restore some balance to your body a...

  • Happy Knees

    This is a strength and stability practice to support those hard working joints, your knees.

    This practice pays special attention to not hyperextending your knees, where your quads, hamstrings, calves and shins can be mostly passive and avoids deep knee bending as well as avoids all postures tha...

  • Heart Warming

    This is a practice for ventilating your heart center – to clear away any heaviness or stuckness in your chest, upper back and shoulders.

    It begins with a progressive vinyasa flow, evolving one element each round and culminates with a beautiful and accessible heart-opener before settling back dow...

  • Energetic Detox

    While your liver does the amazing work of detoxing your physical body, sometimes an energetic detox is in order!

    This practice is informed by the fire element, the element of detoxification, and is composed of smart movements and sequences that support you moving energetic toxins through your bo...

  • Heartcore

    A fire in your belly ignites brilliance in your heart.

    This practice is equal parts core cultivation and heart openers to activate your third and fourth chakra energies!

    It also supports core strength and chest and shoulder stretch to keep you strong and supple.

    I’ve woven them together in a w...

  • Twist of Fate

    A twist of fate is an unexpected change in circumstances and often our Yoga practice provides just that, a shift.

    This practice uses twists of all sorts to shift your perspective and wring out any stagnancy or stuck thoughts and emotions. There's an option for a twisted arm balance and alternati...

  • Energize

    When life gives us obstacles, we want to meet them with the dual powers of fortitude and flexibility. A belief in our ability to rise to the challenge but without attachment to how it unfolds.

    This practice harnesses your energy with postures that support you being strong, supple and radiant.


  • Steady & Strong

    Did you know bison walk INTO a storm, unlike other animals like cattle? They instinctively know the fastest way out of a storm is to go directly through it rather than to drift with the winds of the storm.

    Walking into challenges, both those we choose and those we don’t, requires steadiness and ...

  • Change of Pace

    Today’s practice includes 3 distinct and cohesive segments: Activation, Transformation and Completion. It’s a well-rounded mobility practice that includes strength work as well stretch.

    The emphasis is on moving and breathing not on auto-pilot but with total awareness. To support this effort, we...

  • Purify

    To purify is to ceremonially cleanse and in this practice we engage our entire body-mind-spirit conscious complex to extract that which contaminates us and clouds our true nature.

    Through twists, flow, core work and rest we’ll support the moving through of that which only weighs us down and emer...

  • Lit From Within

    This practice reminds us of what Ayurveda calls TEJAS or the expression of solar energy in our body-mind-spirit complex.

    Tejas is associated with our intelligence, discernment, enthusiasm, digestion and capacity for transformation.

    This practice ignites your inherent solar energy, like lighting...

  • Trust

    This is a practice to help you establish or reinforce your inner trust of Self.

    This self-trust is an unshakeable foundation on which you show up in the world and is especially valuable in tumultuous times and when others may be looking to you for how to act or respond.

    Throughout this practice...

  • Patience

    Patience requires the dual powers of stamina and softening.

    In this home practice, we’ll explore and embody both through repetition, which requires stamina, and hip openers that require softening.

    We’ll also have some well-timed check-ins on our current patience levels as well.

    This fruits of...