45-60 Minutes
45-60 minute home practices for when you've got more time to dedicate to self-care.
Live Asana 2/9/25 - Vishāda - Emotional Overwhelm
Emphasizes the tool of FOCUS on breath, alignment + balance in support of working skillfully with vishāda or emotional overwhelm. Your focus cannot be controlled by anyone but you, despite near constant attempts to control it. We flex focus like a muscle. Hone it and tone it by focusing in the fl...
Live Asana 12/15/24 ~ MATI ~ Self-Reflection
Live Asana 12/15/24 ~ MATI ~ Self-Reflection ~ Turning your attention inward towards Self with Eagle inspired postures, balance work, forward bends and hip mobility enhancers.
Inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh's quote "Your body needs you, your feelings need you, your perceptions need you. The wounded...
Live Asana - 11/10/24 - Grounding
Live Asana 11/10/24 A grounding practice from New Zealand
Lots of technical difficulties but we finally made it happen using my phone and cellular so please excuse both the blurred background and the lack of music for this one.
Includes breathwork, kriya (purification), opportunities to dischar...
Live Asana 8/18/24
Live Asana with Tracey Garcia 8/18/24
Live Asana 7/21/24
A playful practice emphasizing the WONDERousness of our spines and hips! It includes some opportunities to push your growth edges or release into a hip opener! Have some fun, be curious, that's what feeds WONDER!
Links to the playlist are here: https://www.yogapotluck.com/forums/monthly-playlis...
Live Asana 4/21/24
In this solar Vinyasa practice, I focused on poses that support determination as well as opportunities to explore cognitive distortions arising.
This month we continue Making Friends With Our Minds by identifying, naming and then confronting MAYA, the veil of illusion, often in the form of the c...
Live Asana 2/11/24
Live Asana February 2024 - Focus on Connection of self to Self - conditioned self to True Self
Includes flow, heart openers, side bends, twists and even a little arm balancing + tips.
Contemplate: How does asana practice support the union of conditioned self to True Self? How do all the moment...
Live Asana 1/14/24 - Effort & Ease - Sthira & Sukha
Live Asana 1/14/24 - Effort & Ease - Sthira & Sukha
A balanced flow where effort and ease are woven together throughout. Starts seated, moves to standing, culminates in simple, grounded backbends and then settles into hip openers and savasana.
Live Asana 10/8/23
Live Asana 10/8/23 - Impermanence - Anitya
This practice opens with an extended "warm up" before we dive into opportunities to weather the storms of challenge and savor the sweetness, all in the spirit of embracing IMPERMANENCE. You can do hard things my friends!
You'll want a block and a strap...
Live Asana 9/10/23
Live Asana 9/10/23 - A flow, static pose and balance pose practice designed to support DHARANA - your focus + presence!
0:00-11:30 - Greeting, context and education
11:30-end - PracticeInvitation to free-write after your practice about if you felt present and focused, challenges you faced, opp...
Live Asana 8/13/23
Live Asana 8/13/23 - Compassion - Live from Portland! We explore Effort + Ease with standing balance poses and a beautiful soundtrack
Live Asana 7/16/23
Live Asana 7/16/23 - Energy Management - Mobility, hip openers, arm balances and lots of CHOICE!
0:00-13:00 - Context and connection to this month's theme of Energy Management
13:00-End - Practice -
Bonus Live Asana 6/21/23
Summer Solstice and International Day of Yoga Bonus Live Practice! Nicely balanced SolaLuna practice with dynamic flow and hip openers alike!
Flow Focus Feel
Live Asana: Hearts & Hips from Bali 3/15/23
Live Asana: Hearts & Hips from Bali 3/15/23
A morning practice on the day we explored Relational Health. Focus is on both our hearts and our hips. Once again my attempt to capture Michael singing live was thwarted, this time by Zoom trying to cancel out "background noise". Hard to do this withou...
Live Asana 3/12/23 - Restorative Yoga with Tracey Garcia
Live Asana 3/12/23 - Restorative Yoga with guest teacher Tracey Garcia
Tracey's Last Pose Meditation:
"I invite you to delve deeper within. Move inward until the world within you is in focus, and the world outside of you becomes fuzzy – less important, like you are a camera and you are zooming ...
Live Asana: Basics Live from Bali 3/6/23
Live Asana: Basics Live from Bali 3/6/23 - Day 2 of our Soulrocker Retreat. This retreat has plenty of folks who are new to Yoga so I keep it simple and accessible. Our focus of the day was Spiritual Health so we focused on the heart center and dissolving the armor that can inhibit our relationsh...
Live Asana: Basics Live From Bali 3/5/23
Live Asana: Basics Live From Bali 3/5/23 - Day One of a Soulrocker Retreat with lots of newbies!
This was a test recording to see what the quality was. Even though the angle of the camera is too high to see me and the audio is rough, I decided to post it anyway so you can share in the beauty and...
Live Asana from Bali 11/4/22
Live Asana from Bali 11/4/22 - so fun to share with you a little glimpse outside my window here at Soulshine Bali. While the video quality and lighting isn't up to my usual standards in my home studio, the same love is still there! This is a crow pose class that is easily down-shifted into a hip ...
Live Asana 7/10/22
A summertime flow that encourages finding more ease with the unknown!
Some fun transitions, a little play with balance, just the right amount of spice and always grounding and steadiness!
In Focus: A Classic Practice
Flow is fun but there’s something so powerful about a classic practice that invites us to sharpen our focus and hone our awareness in the individual postures.
This alignment-centered practice creates an opportunity for you to make some refinements and reconnect with the activations within postur...
Earthly Delight
This practice is an embodied ode to our glorious planet Earth.
We’ll move through a story of postures that invoke reverence, delight, care and celebration.
It’s an opportunity to celebrate being a part of life on Earth and in your earthly body!
And I’ll close the practice with a special offeri...
Yoga For Emotional Overload
This antidote to emotional overload embraces simplicity, breathwork, evidence-based techniques and downward-energy movements and postures to support your return to feeling, focused, safe and centered.
We’ll tap into the power of movement to support an emotional shift.
And we keep it simple to s...
Live Asana 2/6/22
Live Asana 2/6/22 - Februrary 2022 Theme: Self-Love - A heart-centered and creative practice. Light hearted and engaging!