Whether the temperature outside is high or you're reaching your boiling point on the inside, this home practice is meant to help you cool down and chill out. Emotions like anger, frustration or irritation are all associated with the fire element in Yoga's sister science, Ayurveda. And when your constitution is fiery to begin with, add those to the mix and you may be burning up inside.This downtempo practice includes a variety of cooling postures as well as a cooling breathing practice to bring your inner temperature right down.If this sounds like just what you need, grab a bolster or pillow and two blocks and make your way to your mat.
Up Next in 30-45 Minutes
Come Into Focus
From early on in practicing Yoga, I realized the most effective postures for cultivating focus were the ones that challenged it the MOST: balance poses.While you can pretty easily tune out in triangle or pigeon pose, it's a lot harder to daydream in balance poses.I crafted this home practice with...
Moonlit View
This is a sublime lunar slow-flow practice that supports a deceleration of your whole body-mind-spirit complex.
It is an embodiment of the earth and water energies with several different types of hip openers from the more fluid to still.
It’s meant to leave you feeling both more grounded and re...
Morning Glory
This vibrant home practice is full of accessible heart center and shoulder openers to work out any tension and liberate your spirit.
We also do two Earthy backbends to restore you feeling of being both grounded AND open to possibility.
The idea is that after this concise practice you’ll feel un...