Twists support your both your physical AND emotional digestion and processing and this class includes several different twists!
Rotating our spines is a movement our desk and screen dominant lives don’t require much of so I try to go out of my way to twist in my yoga practices.
Enjoy this twisting and churning practice to move things through and wring yourself out!
You might like to have a block for today’s practice.
Up Next in Solar ~ Uplifting
Live Asana 10/8/23
Live Asana 10/8/23 - Impermanence - Anitya
This practice opens with an extended "warm up" before we dive into opportunities to weather the storms of challenge and savor the sweetness, all in the spirit of embracing IMPERMANENCE. You can do hard things my friends!
You'll want a block and a strap...
The Sunrise Within
This lively practice emphasizes twists as a way to ring out anything that would dim your inner light and leaves you with a sense of rising up into a fresh start.
We’ll combine flow with core work, balance and standing poses before we wind it down and ground ourselves with a couple well-timed hip...
Live Asana 9/10/23
Live Asana 9/10/23 - A flow, static pose and balance pose practice designed to support DHARANA - your focus + presence!
0:00-11:30 - Greeting, context and education
11:30-end - PracticeInvitation to free-write after your practice about if you felt present and focused, challenges you faced, opp...