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Watch this video and more on Gina Caputo's Yoga Potluck ~ Find Your People


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Up Next in SolaLuna ~ Balanced Energy

  • Release

    Wouldn’t it be nice if when we decided to RELEASE something that was troubling us that it simply disappeared?!

    But we all know that’s rarely the case.

    What we CAN do though is choose to RELEASE the CHARGE surrounding whatever it is, to clear the emotional path a bit for resolution or forbearanc...

  • Steady & Strong

    Did you know bison walk INTO a storm, unlike other animals like cattle? They instinctively know the fastest way out of a storm is to go directly through it rather than to drift with the winds of the storm.

    Walking into challenges, both those we choose and those we don’t, requires steadiness and ...

  • Like A River Flows

    Like A River Flows is based on a popular workshop I teach and is inspired by the Earth and Water elements.

    The earth provides structure and the water flows. It winds its way over, around and through obstacles because its nature is adaptable and flexible based on what it has to work with.

    This p...