Live Satsang 4/2/23 - Perseverance - Tapas
Live Satsang Soul Circle Replays
Live Satsang 4/2/23 We explore perseverance and through the yogic lens, tapas. How to follow through for the long game with things we deeply value vs short term efforts that use mainly willpower.
Audio-only version:
Some prompts for further contemplation or journaling:
Think of something challenging you want to achieve or attain.
What would change for you if you accomplished or attained it?
Why is that important to you?
How would persevering change the way you perceive yourself?
What skills or resources do you need to pursue it?
What has been stopping you? Why has that felt more powerful or more important?
What have you persevered with before? How did you feel?
What have you voluntarily given up on before? How did you feel?
In a year, how will you feel about yourself if you DON’T pursue it?
In a year, how will you feel about yourself if you DO pursue it?
Resources shared in the Satsang:
Up Next in Live Satsang Soul Circle Replays
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You can reach out to Gita at [email protected] or
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"A mome...
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Audio only file:
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