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Watch this video and more on Gina Caputo's Yoga Potluck ~ Find Your People


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Up Next in Hips+Legs+Feet

  • Energize

    When life gives us obstacles, we want to meet them with the dual powers of fortitude and flexibility. A belief in our ability to rise to the challenge but without attachment to how it unfolds.

    This practice harnesses your energy with postures that support you being strong, supple and radiant.


  • Dark Side of the Moon

    One of the lunar phases is called the New Moon, when the sun and the moon are on the same side of the Earth, giving the perspective that the Dark Side of The Moon is facing us, or that the moon has turned inward, perhaps to regroup and reboot so she can shine again.

    We’d do well to allow ourselv...

  • Release

    Wouldn’t it be nice if when we decided to RELEASE something that was troubling us that it simply disappeared?!

    But we all know that’s rarely the case.

    What we CAN do though is choose to RELEASE the CHARGE surrounding whatever it is, to clear the emotional path a bit for resolution or forbearanc...