This nourishing practice focuses on three main areas for a full spectrum recuperation and rest after any kind of activity.
We start with a focus on shoulders, then spine, then bring it home with hips.
And the whole thing has a mellow vibe for the downshift you need.
Up Next in Shoulders+Arms+Wrists
Live Asana 6/15/24 ~ Virya ~ Vigor ~ ...
Live Asana 6/15/24 ~ Virya ~ Vigor + Inner Warrior
This practice opens with my Thoracic Freedom flow to stoke the heart fire, then goes into the Agile Warrior sequence I've been doing, some seated breathwork bookend a sequence of warrior poses followed by hip openers and rest!
Freedom requires that we break loose of the bonds that hold us down.
For many of us, it’s negative self-perception that keeps us restrained from recognizing our actual potential.
This class challenges you to tap into the courage to believe you’re capable of more than you’ve let yourself believe...
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